7-19-18 – CenterState Group – Scholarship Presentation Breakfast
Hello Orlando CLF Team Sponsors:
The time for delivering our scholarship awards to Valencia College is upon us. Valencia College has selected a Breakfast Event to be held Thursday, July 19 from 7:30am to 9:00am at the Valencia College District Office Room 502. See the attached invitation from Felicia Williams, President of West and Downtown Campuses. Space is limited.
It is our intention to commit at least $100,000 in scholarships to eligible students of the BAS, Management & Supervision Degree between 2018 and 2020. There will be numerous other College dignitaries in attendance and it is our objective to invite select clients and prospective clients of our group sponsors attend, especially those who have attended our events over the last several years. They will hear first-hand what our efforts are producing and the opportunity for these companies to tap the talent for internships and full-time employees through the Valencia Collage Channel. In addition, some of our business owner guests have already agreed to commit to supplementing our Scholarship Award with additional scholarship funds. You will hear more about this at the event.
This will be an awesome opportunity to showcase what we are doing in the community and “ethical capital” being put to work. Members of the media will also be in attendance as well. Let me know if you need any additional information. We look forward to a great event.